How Long Do Tummy Tuck Results Last?


When you decided to have an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck it was because you wanted to enhance your silhouette and restore your slender appearance. Typically a tummy tuck procedure is undergone because you may have had concerns about:

  • The loose skin you may have around your stomach area
  • The stomach bulges that exercise just cannot eliminate
  • The excessive amount of fat around your middle after your latest pregnancy or massive weight loss

While a tummy tuck can help reshape your abdominal area and provide you with the look and feel of a flat and well-toned stomach, it is not a substitute for weight loss or an exercise program. Before undergoing a tummy tuck, you needed to meet the following conditions:

  • The weight loss journey you have been on has been completed and you have no future plans for weight loss
  • If you are a woman, you have completed your planned pregnancies

With regard to any concerns you may have had about stretch marks before your procedure, you were already aware that a tummy tuck would not remove stretch marks unless they were located in the areas where an excess amount of skin would be removed during your procedure. 

One of the questions you may have had before you had your tummy tuck procedure is how long the results of your tummy tuck will last. The long-term results will depend on you and how you treat your body as well as the lifestyle choices you make after your tummy tuck procedure. A tummy tuck procedure is considered to be permanent but in order for your abdomen to remain firm and flat for many years it requires that you put in the work to maintain your new look. After being given the go-ahead from Dr. Scot Glasberg, you will need to either return to your regular exercise routine or begin a routine so that you can strengthen your core. You will also need to ensure that you maintain your weight by following a healthy diet. If you are of childbearing age you should avoid becoming pregnant so your abdomen will not stretch and lose its elasticity.

If you would like more information about the benefits of a firmer, flatter, and more toned abdomen, contact us at (212) 717-8550 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scot Glasberg. 

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