Are you considering a facelift to rejuvenate your appearance and boost your self-confidence? Before making a decision, it’s important to understand what a facelift entails, assess your candidacy for the procedure, and consider the psychological impact, potential risks, and complications, as well as the recovery process and long-term care. Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg, a Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon in NYC, can provide expert guidance and advice to help you determine if a facelift is the right choice for you.

Understanding What a Facelift Entails

A facelift, medically known as rhytidectomy, is designed to combat the signs of aging by removing excess skin, tightening underlying tissues, and repositioning facial muscles to offer a more youthful contour. The procedure primarily targets the lower two-thirds of the face and can also address aging concerns in the neck area. When performed by an expert the outcome can significantly rejuvenate one’s appearance while maintaining a natural look. Patients must comprehend that a facelift involves a degree of customization to cater to individual aging patterns and aesthetic goals. Dr. Glasberg excels in tailoring each procedure to the unique needs of his patients, ensuring that the improvements are in harmony with the patient’s overall facial structure. This personalized approach is vital in achieving outcomes that not only look natural but also feel congruent with the individual’s identity and expectations.

Assessing Your Candidacy for a Facelift

To determine if you are an ideal candidate for a facelift, a thorough evaluation is necessary. Factors such as overall health, skin condition, and the degree of aging changes present are critical in this assessment. An initial consultation involves a detailed review of your health history and an examination of your skin’s elasticity and facial structure. This step is paramount in ensuring that a facelift is indeed the most suitable option for addressing your aesthetic concerns. Candidates best suited for this procedure often exhibit signs of aging that cannot be adequately improved with non-surgical treatments. These signs include sagging facial skin, deep creases, and a loss of volume that contributes to a tired appearance. Dr. Glasberg places a strong emphasis on maintaining realistic expectations and is committed to ensuring that patients understand both the capabilities and limitations of facelift surgery. It is this personalized and candid approach that helps in establishing whether a facelift is the right choice for rejuvenating your appearance.

The Psychological Impact of Undergoing a Facelift

The journey through facelift surgery is not just a physical transformation but also an emotional one. The anticipation of looking more refreshed and younger can be exhilarating for many, profoundly affecting their self-esteem and overall sense of well-being. However, individuals must embark on this journey with a balanced perspective. Expectations should be aligned with achievable outcomes to avoid any post-surgery disappointment. Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg places a significant emphasis on the psychological readiness of his patients. He engages in in-depth discussions to explore the motivations behind seeking a facelift, ensuring that patients are pursuing the procedure for themselves and have a healthy outlook on the potential changes. Dr. Glasberg also prepares his patients for the emotional rollercoaster that can accompany the recovery process—from the initial excitement to the potential anxiety during the healing phase when the final results are not yet visible. Understanding and preparing for these emotions beforehand can greatly enhance the psychological experience, making the journey towards rejuvenation a more positive and fulfilling one. By fostering a supportive environment, Dr. Glasberg aims to ensure that his patients feel mentally and emotionally supported throughout their facelift journey.

Potential Risks and Complications

Every surgical procedure, including facelifts, carries its share of potential risks and complications that patients should be aware of. Some of these concerns may encompass issues such as infection, bleeding at the surgical site, noticeable scarring, the potential for nerve injury that could lead to facial muscle weakness or asymmetry, and complications related to the use of anesthesia. It’s imperative for individuals considering a facelift to discuss these risks thoroughly with a qualified Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg. His expertise and extensive experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery significantly contribute to mitigating these risks. During the consultation phase, Dr. Glasberg is meticulous in outlining not only the benefits that a facelift can offer but also the possible challenges and how these are addressed should they arise. His approach involves an open and honest discussion, aimed at providing patients with all the information needed to make an informed decision about proceeding with facelift surgery. This transparency is crucial for establishing trust and setting realistic expectations for the surgery’s outcome. Dr. Glasberg’s commitment to patient education and safety is paramount in his practice, ensuring that individuals are fully prepared for what to expect during and after their facelift procedure.

The Recovery Process and Long-Term Care

After undergoing a facelift, patients embark on a recovery journey that is crucial for the success and longevity of their results. Initial recovery may include managing common post-operative effects such as swelling and bruising through prescribed methods by Dr. Glasberg. He emphasizes the importance of adhering strictly to these aftercare instructions to facilitate a smoother and quicker healing process. Comfort measures and specific activities to avoid will also be outlined, ensuring patients navigate this period with ease. In the weeks following surgery, it is vital to attend follow-up appointments, allowing Dr. Glasberg to monitor healing progress and address any concerns promptly. Long-term care focuses on protecting and prolonging the rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Glasberg customizes skincare routines for each patient, incorporating products that support skin health and resilience. Sun protection is also a critical component, as UV exposure can accelerate aging signs and potentially compromise the facelift results. Through diligent post-operative care and a commitment to maintaining skin health, patients can enjoy the benefits of their facelift for many years to come.

Schedule Your Consultation

To schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, please contact our office at (212) 717-8550 or use our online form, to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scot Glasberg to discuss the options available for you.

If you’re considering eyelid lift surgery in NYC, there are a few things you should know. This cosmetic procedure can help you reveal your true self and reduce signs of aging, but it’s important to understand the basics of eyelid lift surgery before you make any decisions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the three basics of eyelid lift surgery that all patients should know before consulting with a cosmetic surgeon in NYC.

1) What is Eyelid Lift Surgery?

Eyelid lift surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids. This procedure targets the excess skin, fat, and muscle that can contribute to sagging or puffy eyelids, making you look older and tired. 

During the procedure, a skilled cosmetic surgeon, such as Dr. Glasberg in NYC, will make small incisions along the natural creases of the eyelids. Through these incisions, they will remove or reposition the excess tissue to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, depending on your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Eyelid lift surgery offers a range of benefits for patients. First and foremost, it can significantly improve the overall appearance of the eyes by reducing puffiness, droopiness, and bags under the eyes. This can make you look more alert, rested, and vibrant. Additionally, eyelid lift surgery can also help improve vision by removing excess skin that may be obstructing your line of sight.

When considering eyelid lift surgery, it is crucial to find a highly qualified and experienced surgeon, like Dr. Glasberg, who specializes in this procedure. A skilled surgeon will ensure that the surgery is performed safely and effectively, minimizing any potential risks or complications. They will also provide personalized recommendations and guide you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to the post-operative recovery period.

In summary, eyelid lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can help rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes by removing excess skin, fat, and muscle. This procedure offers numerous benefits, including a more youthful and refreshed appearance, improved vision, and increased self-confidence. To ensure the best results, it is essential to choose a skilled and reputable surgeon, like Dr. Glasberg, who specializes in eyelid lift surgery.

2) The Benefits of Eyelid Lift Surgery

Eyelid lift surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, offers a range of incredible benefits for patients. By rejuvenating the appearance of the eyelids, this cosmetic procedure can enhance your overall look and boost your self-confidence.

One of the most significant benefits of eyelid lift surgery is the reduction of puffiness, droopiness, and bags under the eyes. These common signs of aging can make you look tired and worn out, even if you’re feeling refreshed. By removing excess skin, fat, and muscle, eyelid lift surgery can create a more alert and vibrant appearance.

Additionally, this procedure can also improve vision by eliminating any obstructions caused by sagging eyelids. Many patients find that their line of sight is obstructed by excess skin, making activities like reading or driving more difficult. By removing this excess tissue, eyelid lift surgery can enhance both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the eyes.

Moreover, the results of eyelid lift surgery can have a positive impact on your self-confidence and overall well-being. When you feel more confident in your appearance, it can positively affect other aspects of your life, from personal relationships to professional opportunities.

It is crucial to remember that finding the right surgeon is essential for achieving the best results. A highly qualified and experienced surgeon, like Dr. Glasberg in NYC, can ensure that the surgery is performed safely and effectively. They will listen to your specific needs and goals, providing personalized recommendations and guiding you through the entire process.

In summary, eyelid lift surgery offers numerous benefits, including a more youthful and refreshed appearance, improved vision, and increased self-confidence. With the help of a skilled surgeon, you can reveal your true self and achieve the results you desire.

3) Finding the Right Surgeon for Eyelid Lift Surgery

Finding the right surgeon for your eyelid lift surgery is crucial to ensure a safe and successful procedure. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect surgeon for your needs. But fear not, because I’m here to help guide you through the process.

First and foremost, it’s important to choose a highly qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in eyelid lift surgery. Look for a surgeon who has a proven track record of successful procedures and has the necessary certifications and credentials. Reading reviews and testimonials from previous patients can also give you a better idea of the surgeon’s skills and expertise.

During your consultation, pay attention to how the surgeon makes you feel. Do they listen to your concerns and address them with care and compassion? Do they take the time to thoroughly explain the procedure and answer all your questions? Finding a surgeon who is attentive and genuinely cares about your well-being can make a significant difference in your overall experience.

It’s also important to consider the surgeon’s approach and aesthetic. Look for a surgeon who understands your desired outcome and can provide personalized recommendations to help you achieve the results you desire. Their portfolio of before and after photos can give you a glimpse into their artistic vision and skill.

Lastly, trust your instincts. If something feels off or you’re not fully comfortable with a particular surgeon, it’s okay to explore other options. Remember, this is your body and your well-being at stake, so don’t settle for anything less than the best.

To schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, please contact our office at (212) 717-8550 or use our online form, to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scot Glasberg to discuss the options available for you.

We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with blepharoplasty.

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most in-demand plastic surgery procedures around the world. Men and women of all ages undergo rhinoplasty mainly because they have been embarrassed, or experienced low self-esteem or anxiety about their appearance. In addition to the aesthetic reasons for rhinoplasty, Dr. Scot Glasberg will be able to reshape, reduce, or augment your nose for functional purposes. Birth defects can be corrected, injuries can be repaired and your breathing can be improved. 

A rhinoplasty can change the overall look of your face by causing you previously overlooked facial features to get noticed. Depending on your need, rhinoplasty can alter the shape, size, appearance, and projection of your nose. Rhinoplasty will be able to restore your facial harmony and balance your facial features. 

Reasons to Have a Rhinoplasty

Some of the reasons why most people come to Dr. Glasberg for a rhinoplasty include the following:

Dr. Glasberg may suggest a procedure to complement your rhinoplasty in order for you to achieve a more harmonious balance across your face. A chin implant, a brow lift, or dermal fillers may help to accentuate your other features. Candidates for rhinoplasty should be at least 13 years of age and finish with their facial growth before having the procedure. For good results, patients considering rhinoplasty should be in overall good health, not be smokers, and have a realistic expectation of the outcome of the procedure. 

Dr. Glasberg and his team are committed to providing you with the best possible results and look forward to scheduling your consultation and answering any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment, please call us at (212) 717-8550.

If you’re considering getting a rhinoplasty, you may be wondering what to expect during your consultation. Your consultation will typically last about an hour and consist of two parts: the medical evaluation and the surgical plan. Below are the topics you need to cover at your rhinoplasty consultation.

Surgeon’s Experience, Training and Certifications

From time to time, surgeons boast about their qualifications and experience. Unfortunately, there’s no law by words requiring professionals to display a certifying board license in public, making it challenging for patients to determine if the surgeon is qualified. Even worse, some doctors don’t even have certification from these groups, or they’ve lost their accreditation for noncompliance with standards.

Your best bet for verifying a surgeon’s credentials is to check with the American Board of Medical Specialties, which provides certification for numerous medical specialties and surgical procedures. You can also get references from friends or family who have had similar operations or speak with your primary care physician regarding the qualifications of available surgeons in your area.

Rhinoplasty Techniques

It would be best if you got an idea of what nose surgery technique your surgeon uses. It may sound a bit technical at first, but it’s essential to understand. There are three rhinoplasty techniques.

Open surgery is the traditional plastic surgery procedure where incisions are made near the middle of each side of your nose and extend down to the tip. Because the incisions are open, there is a chance of scarring or damaging underlying tissues and blood vessels.

Endonasal surgery means no external incisions are used during the procedure, and it is associated with minor bleeding and minimal scarring. An endoscope, a small camera, is inserted through your nostrils to access the nasal cavity. The incisions are made endoscopically through the nostrils, and any visible scarring is hidden within your nose.

The ‘closed’ procedure combines open surgery and endonasal approaches, with incisions made at the base of your septum and nostrils for easier access.

Expected Results

You should also find out what the estimated heights, widths, and lengths of your nose will be after surgery. Your surgeon may use these measurements to help you determine if he’s the best fit for you or not. If your expectations don’t match up with what’s possible, then it might be a good idea to set them aside in favor of realistic expectations. Also, be sure to get a comprehensive list of what to expect after the procedure from your surgeon.  You can use photos of previous patients as a guide. However, keep in mind that individual results may vary, and no photo is genuinely representative of the experience you’ll have ahead.

Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Ask your surgeon how long it typically takes a patient to recover after rhinoplasty. Your recovery time may be influenced by several factors, including the method of surgery you choose, your physical health and lifestyle choices, as well as other underlying conditions that may complicate healing.

While recovery times will vary from person to person, keep in mind that the average recovery time for rhinoplasty is about four to six weeks.

You’ll want to be sure that you are selecting the right Manhattan plastic surgeon for your procedure. The more information you have, the better decision you can make about who is best suited for this critical task of reshaping and refashioning your nose. We hope our article has helped provide insight into what consultation should entail and why it’s so important!

Dr. Glasberg and his team are committed to providing you with the best possible results and look forward to scheduling your consultation and answering any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 212-717-8550 or use our easy online form.

The best age for a facelift is when you want it. In some cases a facelift can be done early in life but, in most cases, a facelift works best for people who are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, when the signs of aging begin to appear more prominently on your face. Those deep lines, wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin you see are indicators of the aging process. Our genetics, skin care habits, and even environmental factors are contributing factors to the tone and texture of our skin. Because the skin on our face thins as we age, and we tend to lose facial fat, a facelift can remove the excess skin and tighten tissue and muscle, restoring your skin and repairing the signs of aging to create a smoother and tighter facial appearance.     

There’s no true age when you should consider a facelift because everyone ages differently. You should choose a facelift when the signs of aging begin to bother you and the non-surgical treatments you’ve had are no longer producing the results you want.

If you have a facelift later in life, because you have aged the change to your face will be more dramatic. If you have your facelift earlier in your life, you will have a less dramatic change but with a better end result. Keep in mind that if you do have a facelift in your 40s or mid 50s, you will most likely have a second one 10 to 15 years later to refresh the one you previously had. 

The Importance Of Choosing A Skilled, Experienced Surgeon

Having a facelift includes making sure that your surgeon is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Glasberg and his team are committed to providing you with the best possible results and look forward to scheduling your consultation and answering any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 212-717-8550 or use our easy online form.