When you smile, laugh, frown, or look puzzled, you contract the muscles of your face. Over time, these contractions produce permanent furrows and deep wrinkles in the skin, especially around the eyes and mouth, between the eyebrows, and on the forehead. These lines can make you look older, sad, angry or tired. Dermal fillers can not only prevent you from deepening these lines during natural facial movements, they can also erase these marks of aging, leaving you looking younger and refreshed.
Dermal fillers are FDA-approved and safe for use by most patients. Many of the fillers are made from substances found naturally in the body, or synthetically made to mimic natural substances or stimulate collagen production. These fillers are injected directly into the skin of the targeted area to restore volume and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. Glasberg offers patients several different dermal filler options in order to provide the best possible results for their individual needs.
Collagen injections have been used for years to provide a plumper, smoother appearance to targeted areas of the skin. Collagen is administered as an injectable filler and is the most commonly used and time-tested filler used today, despite the wide range of other products currently available.
Collagen is a protein that is found naturally in the skin within the second layer, known as the dermis. This protein acts as a support structure for the skin and provides the basis for growth of new cells and blood vessels. As we age, our collagen support structure begins to weaken and skin loses its elasticity, causing it to gradually sag and fold. This may be further affected by the repetitive use of muscles in the face, which are used every time we smile, frown or squint.
Juvéderm® Injectable Gel


Restylane® is an FDA-approved dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid that restores volume to the skin, lifting and smoothing out wrinkles and other fine lines. This procedure is most commonly used to treat the glabellar lines (between the forehead) and the nasolabial folds. It can also be used to add volume and shape to the lips.
Since Restylane is made from a natural substance found in the body, no pre-testing is required. Restylane produces results that last for several months through its unique ability to bind with water and remain in the skin. The results of this procedure are visible right away, and can last for several months, depending on the condition of the individual patient’s skin.

Sculptra® is an injectable product that restores and corrects the signs of facial fat loss by replacing lost volume. Facial fat loss, or lipoatrophy, is the loss of fat beneath the skin, which can result in sunken cheeks, indentations, and hollow eyes. Sculptra provides a gradual and significant increase in skin thickness, improving the appearance of folds and sunken areas.
The results from Sculptra are not immediate but they are long-lasting. In a clinical study, effects lasted for up to two years after the first treatment session in most patients. No skin testing is required.