The appearance of a woman’s breasts can play a major role in self-perception and self-confidence. Breast augmentation can help a woman achieve her goals for her appearance and feel more comfortable in her skin. If you have always desired larger, fuller or more even breasts, this procedure could be the right option for you. Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg is a breast augmentation specialist who is an expert in creating natural, beautiful results that reflect your desires for your appearance.
Breast augmentation can help women to have larger breasts, a more balanced appearance or to create an even appearance between breasts of different sizes. Dr. Glasberg specializes in crafting results that look completely natural, winning great recommendations from patients who have experienced new pride and confidence in their bodies after breast augmentation.
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation can be an excellent choice for an adult woman who wants to increase the size of her breasts, even out an uneven appearance or reconstruct breast tissue after a mastectomy. This procedure can also help to restore the fullness and size of a woman’s breasts after weight loss or pregnancy and breastfeeding. As a breast enhancement surgeon, Dr. Glasberg specializes in shaping unique results that meet each woman’s personal goals with a beautiful, natural outcome.
This procedure is a good option for women who are healthy and generally happy with their weight. Women who are planning on significant weight loss in the future may want to schedule their breast augmentation after weight loss in order to ensure the best fit of the surgery with your new body. In addition, if you are planning to become pregnant soon, you may want to schedule the surgery after childbirth and breastfeeding.
Dr. Glasberg is a breast augmentation specialist and will go over in detail with you a personalized vision for breast augmentation with a size and shape that reflects your individual goals for the appearance of your breasts.
Learning More About Breast Augmentation
Dr. Glasberg will take time during your consultations to learn exactly what you wish to achieve with your breast augmentation procedure. This will include reviewing the types of breast implants available as well as the size and shape options that can achieve the beautiful, natural results that you desire.
As a breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Glasberg brings exceptional technical skill and wide experience to ensure you receive a stunning outcome. The procedure itself will take one to two hours and can be performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis in Dr. Glasberg’s fully accredited operating room.
Silicone and Saline Breast Implants
There are two primary types of breast implants available, and both are very safe. Dr. Glasberg works with both and can provide specific recommendations to meet your goals for the outcomes of your breast augmentation.
Today’s FDA-approved silicone breast implants are pre-filled with a silicone gel, while saline breast implants are filled at surgery with a salt water solution. Both are encased in a silicone outer shell. They look similar but can also have a different feel to the touch. Dr. Glasberg can help you decide which option is the best for your body.
Saline Implants
Silicone Implants
Access Incisions for Breast Augmentation
There are several options for incision access points during the breast augmentation surgery. All of these incisions are made as inconspicuously as possible in order to minimize scarring. These access options include the armpit (transaxillary), the crease of the underside of the breast (inframammary) or around the areola of the nipple (periareolar.)
As a breast augmentation specialist, Dr. Glasberg will advise you on the best choice for you, depending on the size and shape of your breasts and areolae, the type and size of implant you choose and the density of your breasts.
Placement of Breast Implants
There are two positions where breast implants can be placed, below the muscle of the chest or below the breast tissue only. There are advantages to submuscular placement, including increased coverage of the implants, less interference with mammograms and reduced risk of capsular contracture, tightening around the implant. On the other hand, placing the implants below the breast tissue only may reduce the need for drainage tubes or minimize post-surgical pain. Dr. Glasberg will discuss the options available for you to choose the best outcomes for your body.
Recovery After Breast Augmentation
You may feel tired or sore after your surgery, but you can expect this to pass in two days following the procedure. You can return to work and all of your daily activities in one week following your surgery. People employed in professions that are not physically demanding may be able to return to the office four or five days after the procedure. You will receive precise instructions about aftercare from Dr. Glasberg and his experienced team.
In the first two weeks after surgery, your breasts may appear swollen or firm, subsiding as you recover. By 12 weeks after your procedure, you will fully see the final, natural and beautiful results of your breast augmentation procedure.
Seeking a Breast Augmentation Consultation
Dr. Glasberg will meet with you to discuss your goals and desires for breast augmentation. He will review your medical history and go over expected outcomes, including reviewing your photos and before-and-after experiences in order to develop an individualized, unique breast augmentation plan to produce the proportional, fuller breasts you desire.
As an experienced breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Glasberg will go over realistic outcomes as well as the recovery period, procedure and risks involved. You can leave your consultation with a unique, customized plan for your breast augmentation procedure in the hands of an expert.
Request a Consultation
Dr. Glasberg provides breast augmentation consultations and performs procedures on a daily basis for his patients, who travel to him from across the United States and internationally. We invite you to phone our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Glasberg.