Happy Easter

Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of breast tissue in men. It can be caused by an imbalance in the levels of male hormones at any age.

Depending on the individual, these hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety of factors. The condition can occur during three stages of life: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. It can be treated with hormone therapy, liposuction, medication, or breast reduction surgery. Out of these, surgery is the most effective and beneficial option.

Here’s a brief introduction to gynecomastia: what it is, how it is caused, how it can be treated, and why it is desirable to have it surgically removed.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia occurs when the breast tissue of a man swells because of a reduction in male hormones (testosterone) or an increase in female hormones (estrogen). Bilateral breast enlargement can occur if both breasts are affected, as well as a unilateral breast enlargement if one breast is affected more than the other.

What Causes of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance of male hormones, such as elevated levels of estrogen and low levels of testosterone, or an imbalance between estrogen and androgen. Hormonal imbalances can occur due to puberty, aging, heredity, or as a side effect of certain medications.

What Are Some Symptoms of Gynecomastia?

Even though gynecomastia is usually benign, it can still be physically and psychologically painful. It can cause psychological issues, like feeling too self-conscious for intimacy or too socially embarrassed to make friends. Additionally, it can cause chest pain and posture-related problems, like lower back pain.

How is Gynecomastia Treated?

Gynecomastia can be treated in diverse ways, depending on the severity and cause. Medication or surgery are usually used to treat the condition. Treatment depends on the patient’s age and the severity of their condition.

The medical treatment doesn’t cure the problem, it only relieves the symptoms. It can relieve discomfort from gynecomastia, such as pain and involuntary muscle contractions. A doctor may prescribe medication that eases the patient’s symptoms without causing complications.

Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia surgery, involves removing excess breast tissue from the chest. Getting this treatment can help you lose weight, reduce chest pain, and boost your self-esteem.

The Benefits of Getting Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is when men get rid of their excess breast tissue. In addition to improving your appearance and self-esteem, this procedure gives you a more masculine figure and better posture. Surgery fixes a multitude of problems, like excessive self-consciousness, chest discomfort, and back pain.

Request A Consultation

Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg, M.D has been serving patients from all over the world for more than 20 years. His Manhattan practice specializes in breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, body contouring, and many other types of plastic surgery. If you’re interested in gynecomastia surgery, give us a call at 212-717-8550 or fill out our online form. The first thing we’ll do is talk about your aesthetic goals, and then we’ll make a plan that works for you. Our office is located at 42A East 74th Street, New York, NY 10021.

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty are different names for the same cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin, fat deposits, and muscle tissue in the abdominal area. A tummy tuck is an informal name while abdominoplasty is the scientific one.

This type of plastic surgery is extremely popular because people can achieve their perfect body with this popular surgery. It involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area under a general anesthetic. It can also fix hernias and other abdominal issues.

If you’re considering getting a tummy tuck, then here are a few things that you need to know about it.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Your surgeon will discuss the details of the procedure with you to determine if you are a suitable candidate for it. Although getting a tummy tuck can be a life-changing event, it is not for everyone.

You should not get this surgery if:

1. You are obese. You are considered obese if you have a BMI over thirty. This surgery could cause complications such as skin necrosis and post-operative infection.

2. You have clotting issues or had previous surgery complications. These potential risks make this procedure inadvisable.

3. You are taking antibiotics or anticoagulants for heart problems. This procedure is not recommended under these conditions.

What Happens During Surgery?

Complete abdominoplasty is the most popular tummy tuck procedure for reducing excess abdominal skin, fat, and muscles.

It starts with a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and belly button. The shape and length of the incision depend on how much skin you have. After the abdominal skin has been removed, the underlying abdominal muscles are repaired and tightened to produce a flat, toned abdomen.

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

You will feel more confident in your clothes and your body after undergoing a tummy tuck.

Tummy tucks have many other benefits as well. It removes stretch marks and excess skin, and it improves muscle tone, digestion, and breathing.

Stay active and eat a healthy diet after your tummy tuck if you want the results to last. You should limit high-calorie foods to prevent your stomach from growing over time. Exercising also helps tone your abdominal muscles.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Surgery?

How long it takes for you to recover from this surgery usually depends on the type of surgery, how old you are, and how healthy you are.

Some people return to work within a week, while others take six weeks. If you find that you’re recovering slowly avoid trying to overexert yourself. If you give yourself the rest, you need to heal properly, you won’t face any long-term medical issues.

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg, M.D. specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and provides his patients with the highest quality of care and the most natural-looking results. Contact us if you’re considering a tummy tuck or another plastic surgery procedure. You can call the office at (212) 717-8550 orhttps://www.drglasberg.com/contact-us/ to see Dr. Glasberg. We are located at 42A East 74th Street New York, NY 10021.

You can reduce the size of your breasts through breast reduction surgery, a procedure that removes extra breast tissue and skin. 

You’ll receive two primary benefits. First, it will improve your appearance, which will not only remove any feeling of self-consciousness but also raise your self-esteem. Second, you’ll eliminate health problems caused by the size and weight of your breasts. 

How Breast Reduction Improves Appearance

You’ll feel more self-confident and less self-conscious after this surgery, and you won’t feel embarrassed wearing certain clothes or wearing a bikini.

You might decide to have a breast reduction for cosmetic reasons because:

* Your breasts are too large for your small bone structure.

* Your breasts are asymmetrical.

* Your breasts are sagging.

* Your breasts cause your shoulders to noticeably droop.

* Your breasts are low on your chest rather than closer to your collarbone.

After breast reduction surgery, you’ll feel more confident about your body and have a better quality of life. This safe, effective, and popular procedure will give you a greater sense of freedom, self-esteem, and a better quality of life.

How Breast Reduction Fixes Medical Issues

You’ll feel better after this surgery. Many chronic medical issues will simply go away.

You might decide to have a breast reduction for medical reasons because:

* You suffer from chronic back, shoulder, and neck pain.

* You have breathing difficulties that make it hard to sleep at night.

* You have rashes under your breasts. 

Surgery for breast reduction can also lower your risk of certain types of breast cancer because the fat in your breasts can cause cysts, lumps, poor blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage problems.

How Breast Reduction Surgery Works

When discussing your surgery with you, your board-certified plastic surgeon will consider your skin type, thickness, and elasticity. They will also carefully listen to your reasons for wanting the procedure. 

You can choose different types of breast reduction surgery, like liposuction, which removes fat, or mastopexy, which lifts and tightens the breasts. Most women get mastopexy done to shrink their breasts, lift them, and tighten their skin.

Your breast reduction surgery with or without a breast lift takes two to three hours under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will perform the procedure under general anesthesia in an accredited hospital or surgical center. 

Post-op Care and Rehabilitation

Your recovery after surgery will include:

* A full recovery from sedation and anesthesia, which can take days or weeks. 

* A period of gradual and slow convalescence. 

* A physical therapy program, which can last weeks or months depending on the type of surgery and severity of the injury.

* A psychological journey of recovery, which is often long and difficult but that will also lead to better mental health.

You can regain your confidence and freedom after breast reduction surgery. Besides making you look better, making your breasts smaller and lighter, and more proportionate to your body, this procedure can also correct many long-standing health problems.

Request an Appointment

Dr. Scot Bradley Glasberg, M.D. provides advanced medical treatments. A Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and Reconstructive Specialist, his goal is to provide the highest quality care and treatment with the highest standards. You can call us at (212) 717-8550 or make an appointment on our website. We’re located at 42A East 74th Street New York, NY 10021.

Wishing you all a Wonderful Holiday Season!

Scot Glasberg, Holiday Season, Plastic Surgery

Motherhood is an incredibly challenging and transformational experience. Unfortunately, keeping up with the differences your body undergoes during pregnancy and after childbirth can be difficult. For some women, the alterations in their physical appearance after giving birth are far more drastic than what they had expected.

A woman’s body undergoes many unwanted changes after childbirth, which can make her feel unattractive, out of shape, and self-conscious. What’s more, women’s bodies can shift in appearance for months due to the hormones released after birth.

Fortunately, there are several ways to reverse these undesirable effects. If lifestyle modifications in diet and regular exercise achieve no noticeable results, another option is to get a “mommy makeover.”

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a cosmetic treatment that improves a woman’s overall appearance after giving birth. For instance, surgery may be performed to remove excess skin, fat, and stretch marks to restore her figure.

After giving birth, more and more mothers are turning to cosmetic surgery to help them feel more like themselves again. Because many new mothers experience flabby skin and loose muscle tone after giving birth, these procedures boost their self-confidence. A tummy tuck, for instance, will flatten, firm and tone their abdomen so that they can fit back into tighter fitting clothes again.

Mommy makeovers are customized because no two women experience pregnancy and childbirth the same way. This procedure can address both pre-existing issues and issues related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Women can decide on a wide variety of surgical options to address changes in their bodies after pregnancy, including breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, buttock augmentation, and vaginal rejuvenation.

In general, recovery time for most operations ranges from one to four weeks, after which patients can return to work.

The Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

The cost of surgery is reduced because a makeover combines several surgeries. You can, for example, decide to improve the shape and tone of your belly and breasts as part of a mommy makeover.

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, will remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. This is an effective way to recuperate from some of the muscle tissue damage caused during pregnancy or childbirth.

Another popular option women elect to have is breast rejuvenation. Breast shape and size can be changed through breast augmentation, lift, or reduction surgery.

Besides restoring a woman’s body back to her pre-pregnancy years, this surgery also helps restore her self-confidence.

Request a Consultation for Your Mommy Makeover

Scot Bradley Glasberg, M.D., is a plastic surgeon in New York City who specializes in mommy makeovers. You can achieve your goals with a variety of surgical options to suit your needs and budget. He can help you regain your pre-pregnancy body with a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, or any other type of cosmetic surgery you need. Visit his website to find out more about mommy makeovers or call 212.717.8550 to schedule a consultation. His office is located at 42A East 74th Street in New York, NY 10021.

Nasal polyps are benign growths inside the nose that block the sinuses and make breathing difficult. Researchers have found that they can be caused by chronic rhinosinusitis or inflammation of the nasal passages and sinuses. Since it is a common but treatable condition, consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist if you have symptoms of nasal polyps.

Signs and Symptoms

Even though nasal polyps are usually benign, they can grow unchecked and become large enough to block airways, resulting in life-threatening complications.

The symptoms of nasal polyps include congestion, snoring, sleep apnea, sneezing, loss of taste, headaches, and nausea. Other symptoms include facial pressure and breathing difficulties.

If you visit a regular doctor, these systems might be misdiagnosed as asthma, allergic rhinitis, cystic fibrosis, immune system disorder, or chronic allergies. An ENT specialist, however, can determine whether these symptoms are caused by large nasal polyps.


ENT specialists use the following methods to diagnose nasal polyps:

* Nasal endoscopy is the most common diagnostic test to look inside the nose for visible abnormalities.

* CT scans are helpful if there are changes in the sinuses or facial bones.

* MRIs can reveal any structural abnormalities or infections in soft tissues.

* If allergies are present, allergy testing can determine if they are caused by nasal polyps.

* In a polyp biopsy, cells are removed from a nasal polyp to verify it is benign.


Despite the usually benign nature of these growths in the mucous membranes, they need to be treated because they can become large enough to block the nasal passages.

They can be removed by a skilled sinus surgeon in five ways:

1. Nasal steroid sprays are used to reduce inflammation of the lining of the nose caused by allergies or other conditions. Besides treating stuffy nasal passages, they temporarily stop runny noses.

2. Cold or allergy symptoms can be relieved with antihistamines. Usually, this type of medication is taken as a pill to be swallowed, but it can also be taken as a liquid. Antihistamines work by reducing the body’s reaction to an allergen that causes allergies.

3. When polyps develop because of a bacterial sinus infection, antibiotics are often prescribed. Using an antibiotic can often cause the polyp to shrink, but there is no guarantee that this will happen.

4. Steroid pills are used to treat a variety of conditions, including nasal polyps. They can reduce inflammation and relieve pain from injuries. They should not be taken for long periods of time, as some adverse effects may occur.

5. Surgical removal of nasal polyps is an option with a high success rate. It is used if the medication does not work because a deviated septum might have caused the polyp. If a patient has large polyps and chronic sinus inflammation, surgery may be necessary.

Visit Scott Bradley Grasberg, M.D.

If you suffer from any symptoms of nasal polyps, request a consultation with Dr. Scott Bradley Glasberg, a Board Certified cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon in NYC who has been in practice for more than 20 years.

Scot Glasberg, Plastic Surgery, NYC, Thanksgiving

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that involves fixing the shape and appearance of a breast. Women who have deformed breasts due to genetics, accidents, or cancer often apply for this process.

The reconstruction process involves using prosthetic implants or the tissue that surgeons acquire from the individual’s body. You have the explicit option of choosing whether you want to reconstruct your nipple or not.

Many people prefer using the nipple scaring mastectomy approach. It involves reconstructing your nipple and still preserving the surrounding skin area.

What are Your Options?

There are two common options available for breast cancer surgery including:

Implant Reconstruction

Implant reconstruction involves the placement of a saline or silicone gel into the affected area of the breast. Patients who go for implants have excellent recovery rates, in other words, it’s also a much easier process than other alternatives. However, the implants are prone to various issues over time and might require replacement.

Autologous Reconstruction

Autologous reconstruction involves using tissue that comes from another section of your body. The autologous approach might be more challenging to implement but is less prone to issues over time. Medical experts also refer to this process as the flap reconstruction process. The surgeon will acquire tissue from parts of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, and arms.

The ideal option for your breast reconstruction needs depends on various factors, such as the services available in your area. Breast reconstruction has evolved notably in the past few years but requires particular skill to achieve results. People in areas with underdeveloped medical facilities might have to travel further to access such resources.

Factors that Affect Your Preferred Reconstruction Method

Various factors determine the ideal reconstruction method for your needs. These can include elements such as the woman’s age, general health, previous surgery records, and the level of damage. Women who have undergone abdominal surgery may not be suitable for the flap reconstruction process.

You can choose to go for the reconstruction surgery while you go for the surgery process. Or, you can also schedule the reconstruction for a later date, such as when you have a busy schedule or several life obligations. Limiting the surgery t a single occasion is ideal for your recovery needs.

For instance, scheduling both procedures simultaneously will reduce the side effects of anesthesia and improve recovery times. However, immediate reconstruction is not always ideal, especially if your surgeon recommends against such an option.

If your doctor recommends radiation procedures or further tissue damage to the breast skin, then a delayed reconstruction might be ideal. Furthermore, you have the option of consulting with your doctor on the mold of your reconstructed breast.

Before you can opt for breast reconstruction, you should realize that it’s a process that involves different techniques. Choosing the right breast repair procedure depends on various factors such as your budget, doctor’s recommendations, and location. It’s also good to speak openly with your surgeon and doctor about any concerns about the process.

Dr. Scot Glasberg knows that the first step in deciding to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure includes making sure that your surgeon is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Glasberg and his team are committed to providing you with the best possible results and look forward to scheduling your consultation and answering any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment, please call us at (212) 717-8550.

If you’re considering getting a rhinoplasty, you may be wondering what to expect during your consultation. Your consultation will typically last about an hour and consist of two parts: the medical evaluation and the surgical plan. Below are the topics you need to cover at your rhinoplasty consultation.

Surgeon’s Experience, Training and Certifications

From time to time, surgeons boast about their qualifications and experience. Unfortunately, there’s no law by words requiring professionals to display a certifying board license in public, making it challenging for patients to determine if the surgeon is qualified. Even worse, some doctors don’t even have certification from these groups, or they’ve lost their accreditation for noncompliance with standards.

Your best bet for verifying a surgeon’s credentials is to check with the American Board of Medical Specialties, which provides certification for numerous medical specialties and surgical procedures. You can also get references from friends or family who have had similar operations or speak with your primary care physician regarding the qualifications of available surgeons in your area.

Rhinoplasty Techniques

It would be best if you got an idea of what nose surgery technique your surgeon uses. It may sound a bit technical at first, but it’s essential to understand. There are three rhinoplasty techniques.

Open surgery is the traditional plastic surgery procedure where incisions are made near the middle of each side of your nose and extend down to the tip. Because the incisions are open, there is a chance of scarring or damaging underlying tissues and blood vessels.

Endonasal surgery means no external incisions are used during the procedure, and it is associated with minor bleeding and minimal scarring. An endoscope, a small camera, is inserted through your nostrils to access the nasal cavity. The incisions are made endoscopically through the nostrils, and any visible scarring is hidden within your nose.

The ‘closed’ procedure combines open surgery and endonasal approaches, with incisions made at the base of your septum and nostrils for easier access.

Expected Results

You should also find out what the estimated heights, widths, and lengths of your nose will be after surgery. Your surgeon may use these measurements to help you determine if he’s the best fit for you or not. If your expectations don’t match up with what’s possible, then it might be a good idea to set them aside in favor of realistic expectations. Also, be sure to get a comprehensive list of what to expect after the procedure from your surgeon.  You can use photos of previous patients as a guide. However, keep in mind that individual results may vary, and no photo is genuinely representative of the experience you’ll have ahead.

Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Ask your surgeon how long it typically takes a patient to recover after rhinoplasty. Your recovery time may be influenced by several factors, including the method of surgery you choose, your physical health and lifestyle choices, as well as other underlying conditions that may complicate healing.

While recovery times will vary from person to person, keep in mind that the average recovery time for rhinoplasty is about four to six weeks.

You’ll want to be sure that you are selecting the right Manhattan plastic surgeon for your procedure. The more information you have, the better decision you can make about who is best suited for this critical task of reshaping and refashioning your nose. We hope our article has helped provide insight into what consultation should entail and why it’s so important!

Dr. Glasberg and his team are committed to providing you with the best possible results and look forward to scheduling your consultation and answering any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 212-717-8550 or use our easy online form.